Write for us

At diginexcess.com, we’re looking to produce more high-quality, educational blogs geared toward leaders in this industry. We’re not looking for blogs that introduce readers to the basics of digital marketing. We’re looking for advanced and in-depth proven experts in the field who can teach us a thing or two. We practice digital marketing every day and we still want to learn from you.

Do you consider yourself an innovator or thought-leader? Have you scored some amazing accomplishments in the field of digital marketing this year?

If that’s you, show us how you did it. Write about your stunning conversion rates, your success with real-time bidding, or other areas where you could be considered an authority on the subject.

Do you have the ability to excite our readers with an in-depth look at what’s happening in the industry? If so, we want to hear from you.

Understand Our Guidelines

Diginexcess posts are well-researched and provide smart, innovative, engaging advice on a wide range of digital marketing topics, including:

  • Advanced Link Building Tactics for SEO
  • Sales Lead Generation
  • Account-Based Marketing
  • Paid Search
  • Social Media Advertising Hacks
  • Marketing Automation
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Growth Hacking
  • Conversion Rate Optimization

We are specifically looking for topics above that are specific to the following industries:

  • eCommerce
  • Real Estate / Home Building
  • B2B Businesses
  • Medical
  • Higher Education
  • Franchise / Retail

We’re looking for Guest Bloggers who can provide us with:

  • In-depth tutorials and case studies on digital marketing tactics; (preferred)
  • Original content (haven’t been published before), with in-depth research, and no fewer than 1,500 words long;
  • Supporting facts and/or experiments – show numbers, we love data!

If you don’t hear from us, more likely:

  • Your application is incomplete
  • Your article does not conform to our Guidelines (read line by line)
  • Your topic/angle is not in-depth enough
  • We’ve already covered the idea in the past
  • Your topic is not adequate for our audience

What’s Our Format?

At Chatter Buzz, we follow a particular format, and we expect you to do the same.

  • Keep the tone casual and conversational. Inform, don’t lecture. (First person, use words like you and I)
  • Your article shall be scannable and flow. 
  • Formatting preferences include the use of H2 and H3 title tags properly capitalized (i.e. How to Write a Blog Post).
  • We love articles that answer the most commonly asked questions or numbered list of tactics.
  • Write something that you’d enjoy reading. Don’t try to please everyone by covering too broad a subject matter.
  • Back up your claims with links to your research or case studies confirming the information in your blog.
  • When doing your research, pull quotes from other sources that help to enhance your piece, and include them in your blog.
  • Include at least 6-7 images within the post (do not use clip-arts, create your own or find high-quality photos or use others but make sure you add the source). We love images, photos, graphics, videos, screenshots, or GIFs. This is a long blog post so break them with images. please center it / 500 px wide.
  • Create headlines that are engaging, grab the reader’s attention and make them say, “Wow, I have to check this out.” Check out Co-schedule’s blog headline analyzer and make sure you get a high score.
  • No fluff, and don’t be repetitive.
  • Keep your paragraphs short — 2-3 sentences each.
  • Ensure that your article is well-written and devoid of grammatical or spelling errors. (if it has too many, we automatically disregard it)
  • Send us your article via Google doc and make sure it is shared externally and we can edit.

The bottom line is that diginexcess wants to help content marketers thrive and become the best in the industry. By writing for us, this is your opportunity to become an authoritative voice in the digital marketing field.

We also want you to maintain ownership of your blog.

Once we publish your blog, open a Disqus account, and use it to respond to reader comments and concerns.

Once your blog is published on our website, we will send you a courtesy email. Then from there, we hope that you share, post, and promote your own blog as well to drive more traffic